arpit joshi

Results 8 comments of arpit joshi

i also getting this issue and i implement this `SwipeItemRecyclerMangerImpl mItemManger = new SwipeItemRecyclerMangerImpl(this); mItemManger.bindView(viewHolder.itemView, position);` but getting me issue "java.lang.IllegalArgumentException: adapter should implement the SwipeAdapterInterface" then i implemeted SwipeAdapterInterface...

now i implemented that SwipeItemMangerInterface with methods but i am getting this issue "java.lang.IllegalStateException: can not find SwipeLayout in target view" on this line `mItemManger.bindView(viewHolder.itemView, position);`

` public class adpater extends RecyclerView.Adapter implements SwipeAdapterInterface,SwipeItemMangerInterface { ArrayList dataList; LayoutInflater inflater; Context context; SwipeItemRecyclerMangerImpl mItemMange; ``` public adapter(Context context, ArrayList dataList) { this.context = context; inflater = LayoutInflater.from(context);...

@O-liverQueen any solution? i have also same issue

@sailywebvillee dint get any solution yet, then i implemented card view using RecyclerView . see link - `[](url)

@sailywebvillee ` public class OverlapDecoration extends RecyclerView.ItemDecoration { private final static int vertOverlap = -40; @Override public void getItemOffsets (Rect outRect, View view, RecyclerView parent, RecyclerView.State state) { final int...

i am facing the same problem: video compression taking so much time to compress video, i am using this command - String cmd1[] = new String[]{"-y", "-i", sourcePath, "-strict", "experimental",...

Thanks vince-styling for reply...Its working ...Done...! ..close this issue...