Hi guys I had same problem, and I found one [Karabiner-Elements complex_modifications rules] and no need anymore for flour : You can change setting for any app you want,...
thanks for info, I manage to fix too.
Hi, I have little problems with changing password with PrivacyIDEA and FreeIPA. If II'm login to PrivacyIDEA as admin, I can change password for any user, but when I login...
hi Adam, I comment this two lines #pw_hash = ldap_salted_sha1.hash(value[1][0]) #value[1][0] = pw_hash I also tried to comment whole part of code form 'try:' to 'else:' and nothing helped. `...
Hi there, I'm testing in lab to install IPAserver and replica with CA, DNS and KRA enabled. If I install IPA server and then replica Ansible script works OK and...
hi guys, I have same issues: │ TASK [ipaclient : Install - IPA client test] │ fatal: [ipa3.s1.test.local]: FAILED! => {"changed": false, "msg": "Unable to find IPA Server to join"}...
yes that correct, both ipaserver ( ipareplica( I want to be nameservers. Ipaclient_force_join I have just in case that client was already member before and just in case I have...