Alessandro Ronchi
Alessandro Ronchi
In my model I have a primary image and some optional ones: ``` foto = ProcessedImageField(upload_to=update_filename, processors=[ResizeToFit(800, 600,upscale=False)], format='JPEG', options={'quality': 80} ) foto2 = ProcessedImageField(upload_to="photos/%Y/%m/%d/", help_text="Optional foto", processors=[ResizeToFit(800, 600,upscale=False)], format='JPEG',...
When trying to delete an object, I get this namerror. /filebrowser/ in delete, line 369 I checked the source, and there is a dir_name without declaration. It was meant path?
When I try to use a filebrowser in inlines inside admin, it doesn't catch the correct id for the field, because it leaves **prefix** in the id instead replacing the...
Upload form refers to this file, but it's missing: I found it in grappelli, I think we should copy it into django-filebrowser-no-grappelli media files.
I got integrity error as explained in and it's caused by a limit of pyfacebook lib or database model. I moved id from int(11) to varchar(20) and moved from...