Aron Budinszky
Aron Budinszky
A workaround for Cocoapods is setting your project build settings Only Active Architecture to No and to add this at the end of your Podfile: ``` post_install do |installer| installer.pods_project.targets.each...
This somewhat relates to in that this is also requesting that we can "modify" the eager loading query.
I am happy to implement this, but before I do so wanted to get some input on (a) whether this feature has as much merit as I think it does...
I for one am happy to contribute. Haven't had the time to add this so far. But as @sherlouk mentioned - it is more and more important.
I added a review just now, apologies for the delay. There's only one minor request but other than that the solution is perfect.
...and thanks @Sherlouk for pushing this forward! I'm happy to review any further changes and in a week or two I should have some time to assist in adding async...