Aron Atkins

Results 26 issues of Aron Atkins

## Expected Behavior GitHub Markdown code blocks may be be fenced by three or more backticks/tildes. This is useful when including Markdown code blocks (examples) within a Markdown document. ````markdown...

**Describe the bug** The headers exposed externally (perhaps to middleware) are a generator, which makes it challenging to intercept, inspect, or modify those headers without fully replacing the object. I...

needs investigation

Creating a sockjs handler with a prefix that involves a regular expression group breaks `parseSessionID` because it uses constant match offsets. It feels like there are two options: 1. Trim...

It would be groovy to have a way of specify the display column order without rewriting the incoming data frame. In my situation, the incoming data frame is not created...


The `entrypoint.R` file exists to let developers construct their own custom router. The only documentation I could find is this reference in the help for the `dir` argument to `plumber::plumb`:...

difficulty: intermediate
effort: low

```bash R_DEFAULT_PACKAGES=NULL R -s --vanilla -e 'r

Using remotes-2.4.2 ```r remotes::install_github("rstudio/bslib@dev") ``` The `DESCRIPTION` contains: ``` Remotes: rstudio/bsicons ``` Unfortunately, `rstudio/bsicons` is a private repository. The error from `remotes::install_github`: ``` Downloading GitHub repo rstudio/bslib@dev Error: Failed to...


### System details Output of `sessioninfo::session_info()()`: ``` # sessioninfo::session_info() output goes here ``` ### Example application *or* steps to reproduce the problem The `plumber.R` file. ```r #* @assets ./static /...

It would be nice if all sorts of checkout problems (timeout, etc) were tracked in the BasicResourcePool properties. It looks like attemptRefurbishResourceOnCheckout tracks failed_checkouts which is eventually exposed through PooledDataSource.getNumFailedCheckoutsDefaultUser,...

Support subscribing to an OPML file, which would automatically track the RSS feeds referenced by the OPML. Feeds are added/removed and automatically tracked. Inspiration: Example: / NewsBlur...