I found this document to be very helpful! Thank you for putting it together. It might be useful to add some typescript examples of [recompose](
When declaring a ```connect```ed component's property types I find it helpful to use the ```typeof``` operator to declare dispatched function types so that the property matches the action's declaration: ```tsx...
**Issue type:** [ ] question [x] bug report [ ] feature request [ ] documentation issue **Database system/driver:** [ ] `cordova` [ ] `mongodb` [ ] `mssql` [ ] `mysql`...
for dealing with repeating events on the 31st or 30th or 29th, there is an extension to RRULE called RSCALE (and SKIP): It would be very nice if rrule...
When I try to open the devtools I get this: ``` System.MissingMethodException: 'Method not found: 'System.String Microsoft.Toolkit.Uwp.Helpers.SystemInformation.get_ApplicationName()'.' ``` My project is using the latest version of Microsoft.Toolkit.Uwp (v7.0.1). If I...
Currently you take the user password, pass it through pbkdf2, then use the result as the encryption key. If you were to instead use the result to encrypt/decrypt a buffer...
When I try to install this I get the following error: npm ERR! peerinvalid The package react does not satisfy its siblings' peerDependencies requirements! npm ERR! peerinvalid Peer [email protected] wants...
Would you be open to adding a typescript definition file to your repository? I can create one for you
I would like to save off the ui state to storage and use that to init the state the next time the app starts up. Any suggestions on how to...
Background: macOS Finder's QuickLook will play h264 and h265 videos, but only if they have the video tag set to "hvc1" (ffmpeg command line option: "-tag:v hvc1" or "-vtag hvc1")....