
Results 13 comments of arolson101

@r00ger for example, the ```withState``` example is a recompose component. They're just useful for making higher order components.

There is no package ```Microsoft.Toolkit.Uwp.Helpers```; that namespace is in ```Microsoft.Toolkit.Uwp.dll``` according to [SystemInformation]( class doc.

as a starting point, since result_of is available in versions = 17, I did this: ``` // rx-util.hpp #if _HAS_CXX17 template using invoke_result_t = typename std::invoke_result::type; #else template using invoke_result_t...

FWIW, I got it working using drizzle-graphql and AddGraphQLPlugin ```ts import { buildSchema } from 'drizzle-graphql'; import AddGraphQLPlugin from '@pothos/plugin-add-graphql'; const conn = postgres(env.DATABASE_URL); const db = drizzle(conn, { schema...

@iskandersierra thanks for creating them! I see a bug with ```branch```- the falseEnhancer should be optional

I think it’s working properly. To get the behavior you’re looking for, use the second template parameter of compose- e.g. compose(...) -ARO > On Sep 28, 2017, at 1:32 PM,...

Change your App definition to ```tsx const App = (props: { name: string; age: number } & React.Props) => { return ( name: {}, age: {props.age} ) } ```

FWIW the compose in redux has pretty good typing

you could also use this to easily validate whether the password is correct

Create a random db encryption key (dbkey). User provides key (ukey). Use ukey to encrypt dbkey (edbkey), store it separately from the db itself. When opening db, get ukey from...