
Results 47 comments of arminus

That would be very convenient!

Regarding the above question: What I'm looking for is an unobtrusive/low footprint systray thingy which tells me about new messages (I frequently forget to keep an ntfy browser tab open,...

FYI - I'm about to release an alpha version of my .NET/WPF client in about 2 weeks, it's basically ready, but I won't have much time to respond to issues...

It'll be on my github and open source, probably MIT licensed.

It's been a while and I'm afraid I have made no progress. The main issue is that the trade off between less memory consumption vs. effort required to implement something...

IMHO, the delete propagation should be optional, there might be reasons to keep the message readable on other devices.

For me this would not be a client setting but message specific. e.g. you could add this as an option to the already existing delete confirmation dialog?

Looking forward to this, too. Does anyone see a "hacked" (pandoc?) way of getting something out, even if not perfect?

Your command returns this: ``` ❯ docker-compose exec nextcloud occ config:list system Console has to be executed with the user that owns the file config/config.php Current user id: 1000 Owner...