Edgar Manukyan
Edgar Manukyan
@yoelchetboun, try installing with `remotes::install_github('ropensci/ssh')`
Dear developer, please fix this issue. No way to use the amazing google-spreadsheet in React 18 :(
Thanks so much Theo. For now I reverted back to v 4 react-script as suggested in https://stackoverflow.com/a/73179645/6112118. Impatiently waiting for your new release 🚀
The reason is because `npm install` already captured the old version of `wasm-game-of-life`. To fix this: 1. Up-version in the `Cargo.toml`, e.g. `"0.1.1"` 2. Within the `wasm-game-of-life directory` run `wasm-pack...
@etduwx, @gregrahn could you please confirm whether this repository is still maintained? Otherwise maybe it is better to switch to Python or other language?
see https://github.com/snowflakedb/dplyr-snowflakedb/issues/28 and switch to ODBC asap
thank you so much @schnee for pointing to the ODBC link, you got another converter in me :) Happy with the ODBC and R Studio's nice integration with Snowflake. I...