Arman Sharif

Results 13 comments of Arman Sharif

Thanks for a quick response. I believe it is the same point in time, however I must admit I don't have an in-depth knowledge of `java.time` and might be overlooking...

I looked into this a bit more. Since by default, the date gets serialized into a decimal representation, e.g. `{"date":1655571280.545632194}`, there's not enough information to determine the original `ZoneOffset` or...

@npepinpe that's an interesting suggestion. I will try to implement your idea in Instancio. It's an alternative library that offers similar functionality to Easy Random. Since Easy Random is no...

I don't use modules myself and my experience with them is limited. However I'm also working on a testing library and I'd like it to support modules for users who...

@jqno I just noticed that if you run the sample from the command line, the error does not occur. It works even without `requires java.sql`: ``` mvn package exec:java -Dexec.mainClass=org.example.domain.Person...

@jqno I ended up removing it as a dependency and using `Unsafe` and `ReflectionFactory` directly, instead of using Objenesis. It was a fairly small change, and the benefit is that...

@dscalzi thank you for looking into this. I'll try your suggestion.

Same issue. The plugin breaks my key binding `bind \\ split-window -h -c "#{pane_current_path}"` I haven' t found a workaround, so I disabled the plugin for now.