ConvexBodyProximityQueries.jl copied to clipboard
Integer dir gives error
Perhaps you don't intend to support this, but in that case documentation or a better error would be nice
julia> closest_points(polyA, polyB, @SVector[1,0])
ERROR: MethodError: no method matching eps(::Type{Int64})
Closest candidates are:
eps() at /Applications/
eps(::T) where T<:Dates.TimeType at /Applications/
eps(::ColorTypes.Gray{T}) where T at ~/.julia/packages/ColorVectorSpace/CPykb/src/ColorVectorSpace.jl:213
[1] closest_points(p::StaticArrays.SMatrix{2, 11, Float64, 22}, q::StaticArrays.SMatrix{2, 11, Float64, 22}, init_dir::StaticArrays.SVector{2, Int64})
@ ConvexBodyProximityQueries ~/.julia/packages/ConvexBodyProximityQueries/RdbUo/src/proximity.jl:22
[2] top-level scope
@ none:1
I derive the type from the direction vector - not sure why I did it this way instead of converting the type if it were an Int
. I'll push a fix for this over the next month. Thanks for catching it.