> Thank you for your inquiry. > > Could you edit these files? > > WebCamTextureToMat() method of Utils.cs > > > WebCamTextureToMatHelper.cs > > > Examples using the WebCamTextureToMatHelper...
I would like to convert this example to real-time detection, for example using the YoloObjectDetectionExample- would that be possible? What would need to be added/changed?
Tried it but didn't seem to work? I got all these errors - would you know how to resolve? Thanks so much for your help! 
OK - did that and now I get this: `WebCamTextureToMatHelper' is an ambiguous reference between `OpenCVForUnity.UnityUtils.Helper.WebCamTextureToMatHelper' and `MagicLeapWithOpenCVForUnity.UnityUtils.Helper.WebCamTextureToMatHelper' 
still same errors. Just to be sure- I want to have the same scene as OpenCVImageCapture except that it'll detect objects based on video feed instead of the photo feed,...
> I succeeded in building mpk with the script below. > [DnnObjectDetectionWebCamTextureExample.cs.txt]( And that provided you with real time object detection using video? I updated the DnnObjectDetectionWebCamTextureExample.cs to the one...