Arjun Komath
Arjun Komath
@oblador This is my test setup -> I'll try with mock
@oblador Even after using mock is not working. :( ``` import 'react-native'; import React from 'react'; import Mixtape from '../app/components/mixtape'; require('react-native-mock/mock'); // Note: test renderer must be required after react-native....
I tried with enzyme also. Its still not working: ``` > [email protected] test /Users/arjun/Documents/react_projects/mjuzik > mocha --require react-native-mock/mock.js --compilers js:babel-core/register --recursive __tests__/*.js /Users/arjun/Documents/react_projects/mjuzik/node_modules/react-native-animatable/index.js:1 (function (exports, require, module, __filename, __dirname) {...
+1 images are not loading after upgrading to react-scripts 4.0.0
@dependabot rebase
I can look into this.
@kibertoad Thanks, if the PR gets too big I'd prefer if we break them into two separate PRs.
@jasongrishkoff Currently I'm using react-native-audio-toolkit for playback, which hasn't been very reliable in Android, it has several issues. I'm planning to replace that with a better one, hopefully fixing the...
@dependabot rebase
@texas697 What would the 3rd callback event be?