Ali Rizvi-Santiago

Results 132 comments of Ali Rizvi-Santiago

So, I didn't see a question "mark" in the Nuvola icon set. The only one is a question "bubble", which implies something entirely different. Since the directory structure in the...

Sorry for this taking a bit, but it's definitely in my todo. The current version of the tutorial is for a newer version of TreeSheets than the binary released on...

PR #102 adds the question-mark icon. I made it yellow like our stop-lights. Green for the check mark, Yellow for the question mark, and Red for the X.

Hey guys, op of PowerShell/PowerShell-Docker#124 here. You can literally just use the docker:// container w/ podman/docker/rkt/whatev to get it to work. Just run the container w/ interactivity and a tty...

> Obviously something is wrong with the PowerShell for Linux. A very interesting [blog]( that can shed the light , especially the topic where the PRs were rejected. For the...

@hunter86bg not to police this thread, but that might be off-topic since we're in an issue tracker for keeping track of bugs and the thread could get closed or locked...

Rather than pausing/resuming which would require maintenance of the current state, you can probably just include golang's `context` to allow people to cancel the currently running action the same way...

@OliDrouin, you might be able to influence the temp-directory that is used by setting the environment variables that ruby uses for `Dir::tmpdir` via assigning a windowsy path to `TMP`, `TMPDIR`,...

What I've done to accomplish this is by using `jq` to append a json item to the provisioners. Something like the following will take the contents of `your.json` and append...

Just including a "sort-of" outline for the features that Vagrant supports so if one of us (your users) feels inclined to implement it, we have a checklist we can use....