Ariel Jannai
Ariel Jannai
Thanks! I'll suggest it in the repo, I see no reason to fork and create a new repo just for a tiny thing :)
The installer has a silent installation option?
I don't have so much time this days, but if I'll have some time I'll look into it 😃
@PAB-me-uk The issue you linked to is closed, so I guess it's not something that's going to change from electron's side?
I'm trying to create an [AHK]( script as a workaround
I agree it should be from their side, but meanwhile, I use [this script](
I'm not sure it would be a nice integration - maybe it can be suggested as a fix-hack to people who uses AutoHotKey? If the user already has AHK installed,...
I think I solved the second problem in my script - I changed the filtering of the window to match by id. The only problem is that I don't know...
NVM, Changed it again. Now it filters by the exe name, so it works
@Slapbox It could be integrated, but I wouldn't. At least not with my solution. It's simple and has bugs, but basically working. Still, it's a kind of workaround/patch rather than...