Arieh Glazer
Arieh Glazer
to expand on this - the error is on line 116 in `Icon.lua`: ```lua local n = IconDragger.srcicon:GetSettings().UnitConditions.n ``` `UnitConditions` is `nil`. I was able to temporarily resolve the issue...
more on this issue - I suspect the issue starts with this error when I first log in: ``` 3x ...ce/AddOns/TellMeWhen/Components/Core/Units/Units.lua:264: attempt to call method 'Conditions_GetConstructor' (a nil value) [string...
this feature can be added to TMW (for melee only) through this addon:
solved - problem was i was adding the git:// url instead to the http:// url
They really made such a bad implementation our of this new feature it's crazy.
Every time I enter combat. Haven't really looked into it since it doesnt break anything (I think). Can try and dig deeper to see if it's a specific group or...
yeah ok after spending 5min on this I figure this is way above my head. It does seem on the surface that this should never happen since you're the one...
I can see it has something to do with ElvUI, but unsure what the interaction is
I think it's negative `nil` since the rotating map still works reliably - i think they have some rate limiting or something like that. it just sometimes returns nil instead...