
Results 3 comments of zu

I have idea for this, the goal is to make sure the streaming is safe without any foolproof from user to stream for pendant. and might easier to code. so...

> Use the latest config tool downloaded from the AM32 readme. Version 1.70 config tool is very old. Turn off "complementary PWM: for freewheeling. thanks, thats solved the problem, but...

> More than 100000 cycles... Here is a discussion about: https://arduino.stackexchange.com/questions/226/what-is-the-real-lifetime-of-eeprom#:~:text=ATMEL%20says%20the%20cell%20lifetime,about%20100%2C000%20write%20cycle%2F%20cell. yeah I know that, ever wonder why shutter in DSLR camera worn out? its because eeprom. for hobbies might...