
Results 10 comments of aridus

Ah, that inspired me, thank you. Using `fig.width = 2.5, fig.height = 2.5, dpi = 100, out.width = '100%',` works well, as the plot is scaled to the full width...

I also see the problem with the large amount of white space associated with margin figures, and I feel the default body text font size should probably be the same...

Obviously that should have been 'header' (rather than 'heder'!) in the subject.

Many thanks for being responsive! I have installed 0.0.7. It has caused a change but perhaps not that expected. I have shared three screenshots at Screenshot_zero shows the footnotes...

Thank you: this seems like a good idea, in case I am doing anything silly - always a possibility. I have uploaded to the same folder 'structure (copy).Rmd'. I have...

Thank you, again, and all is now well! As an aside, could the blockquote environment benefit from better definition? At present the text is simply indented (there is no grey...

Many thanks, and I look forward to news! Bookdown + tufte style is an unbeatable combination for a teaching tool, and msmbstyle provides several improvements over the original bookdown implementation,...

Just to let you know: marginal footnotes on a list are still slightly out of line. I see this in the following example: `There are a few cases in which...

Hi - This is just to ask whether you have any further thoughts on this. With grateful thanks!

![Screenshot from 2019-04-29 17-22-16]( Many thanks for looking at this again. I have just installed 0.0.8 and recompiled my book (see attached screenshot). Footnotes 42 and 43, on the bulleted...