
Results 9 issues of Elis

Hi is it possible to use the dialog as a toast, for example to hide it after some seconds

Hi, can I show a custom view inside progressBar, not just a string but an ImageView with some text

Hi, is it possible to use a custom view for items, like in a listView

Hi is it possiblew to use this with RecyclerView.Adapter, I tried like this but I get an error `public class MemoAdapter extends RecyclerView.Adapter implements PinnedSectionListView.PinnedSectionListAdapter{` error is here ` @Override...

ResideMenu resideMenu = new ResideMenu(this); this dosent exist resideMenu.setuse3d(boolean)

HI, is it possible to set default scrollbar possition, for example if the scrolling area is a a rectangle 100x100, is it possible to center scrollbars to 50 and 50?...

Hi, is it possible to use this to display items like in a listView

Hi how to enable or disable contentEditing of DIV ? I tried this but nothing , it dont work `document.getElementsByClassName("simditor-body").contentEditable=flase; this.body.contentEditable=false;` How to create a function like this `Simditor.prototype.enableEditing= function(enable)...

Buongiorno, avevo una domanda riguardo la valorizzazione del tag ` ????????? `. Cosa bisogna inserire dentro questo tag? Usando i script sono riuscito a generare le due chiavi key.pem e...
