Arkadiusz Miśkiewicz

Results 27 comments of Arkadiusz Miśkiewicz

How to make it default, so "mirror file" and "mirror dir" will both work (so won't have to detect source type in scripts) alias mirror "mirror -f" doesn't work. ````...

Where is the message coming from? I don't see "kill process" in mod_ruid2 sources. Edit: from php: ./ext/opcache/ZendAccelerator.c: zend_accel_error(ACCEL_LOG_ERROR, "Cannot kill process %d: %s!", mem_usage_check->l_pid, strerror(errno));

Most likely

Not exactly. It's not apache. It's php (well, it's loaded as so into apache process). The killing code comes from php. php opcache module (which uses kill for some memory...

I wonder why systemd gets special treatment in such proposition? cgroup names are arbitrary, there is no "subsys". Just systemd uses such naming. In my case, on non systemd in...

Or autodetect, octoprint fires event when it finds firmware information early (in response to M115 command) ```` eventManager().fire( Events.FIRMWARE_DATA, {"name": firmware_name, "data": data} ) ```` and uses such condition for...

Implemented as Unfortunately stock avrdude is not being able to flash languages part of firmware. Modified variant is needed. It uses special serial command to init external flash...

```` # /usr/lib/nagios/plugins/check_raid -d check_raid 4.0.8-dev Visit how to report bugs Please include output of **ALL** commands in bugreport DEBUG EXEC: /sbin/dmsetup status --noflush at /usr/share/perl5/vendor_perl/App/Monitoring/Plugin/CheckRaid/ line 385. DEBUG EXEC:...

Here, on Huawei 5G CPE Pro 2, official web gui does GET api/device/antenna_type (while in advanced->system->system settings) query which ends up with: ```` 100010 ```` so maybe it's not implemented...

It's version installed via "brew install php-code-sniffer" on macos, they could broke something packaging it. Anyway these errors were just examples of php errors printed to stdout. Is #1612 for...