Michelangiolo Mazzeschi
Michelangiolo Mazzeschi
Thank you @aBurmeseDev `aws ecs register-task-definition --family %name% --task-role-arn %ecs_role_arn% --execution-role-arn %ecs_role_arn% --network-mode bridge --container-definitions name=%container_name%,image=%container_uri%,memory=128,portMappings="[{"containerPort"="7000"},{"hostPort"="7000"},{"protocol"="tcp"` I updated the query to use --network-mode bridge, to make it easier I would...
Running in the same issue, (installation for transformers 2.5.0 is also very problematic, so far unable to try this fix)
hi, i have the same problem Additionally, requirements.txt does not have the PythonGit library which is necessary to run install.py
> Hi @DanqingZ, I'm running gradio Application with FastAPI, how to handle it in such cases? > > Following is the configuration of my gradio application: > > ```python >...