Peter Duchovni
Peter Duchovni
The current implementations of the `elemIndexEnd` function in modules `Data.ByteString` and `Data.ByteString.Lazy` are uniformly defined as `findIndexEnd . (==)` (the `Char8` version merely invokes the strict bytestring definition after converting...
Hello, I have been working with your FRP libraries in Haskell (initially threepenny, but I am simultaneously porting some of the widgets I created into the Reactive-Banana-WX paradigm), and I...
This may be just a usage error on my part, but I am noticing a strange phenomenon when trying to set up conditional visibility/layout for dynamically created UI elements (in...
I have been working on writing a Web UI/GUI for a personal project in Haskell, and I found your library to be the most satisfying and intuitive, even if I...
redefines ProtocolNumber as newtype around CInt (formerly type alias for CInt) that re-derives all instance methods for CInt that are defined in Foreign.C.Types defines and exports pattern synonyms for commonly...
In the current implementation of network, the `ProtocolNumber` type, defined in `Network.Socket.Types`, is given as ```haskell type ProtocolNumber = CInt ``` which means that it can only ever be displayed...
I have written a number of custom widgets for threepenny-gui and reactive-banana as part of various projects, and was wondering whether these would be at all useful for this repository....
Hello @HeinrichApfelmus, I would really appreciate a guide on the more opaque/arcane functions in Reactive.Banana.Combinators and Reactive.Banana.Frameworks (e.g. self-referential stepper vs accumB, reactimate vs execute vs mapEventIO), along with examples...
I would find it incredibly helpful if there were a firefox search plugin for Hayoo, perhaps along the lines of the search plugin for Hoogle. Are there any plans for...
From web console: ``` RangeError: minimumFractionDigits value is out of range. at new NumberFormat () at format-numbers.js:30:10 at r (index.js:29:25) at Vt (format-numbers.js:80:24) at Xt (format-numbers.js:218:10) at rn (format-numbers.js:402:10) at...