Jeff Hitchcock
Jeff Hitchcock
Webp is an increasingly common image format for web which recently gained support in Safari, meaning it is now available in all major browsers on all major OSes. The ability...
### What happened? Journals are currently retaining scroll position when switching between pages in "View Single Page" mode. This means that if you scroll to the bottom of Page 1...
### User Experience Currently, when migrating a compendium in dnd5e we first call `pack.migrate()` to ensure core migrations are performed and then we perform our own migrations. The UI notifications...
### User Experience It would be very useful for the new `` element if the `select` handlebars helper could be used with an array or set as its selection. That...
### User Experience The `selectOptions` helper has support for selecting multiple inputs if an `Array` is provided to it, but not a `Set`. Frequently lists of options is best stored...
### What happened? My CSS is laid out with one baseline CSS file which then imports other scripts using CSS's native `@import` rule. I would expect to be able to...
Doesn't override a `active` object created during the `preCalculateDamage` hook and incorporates any multiplier into the auto-calculated multiplier. Closes #3452
Seems to be working for all cases I tested, but I'm not sure if there is some case that the original positioning code was written for that the normal core...
Adds `identifier` to the data for backgrounds so it can be set. Adds identifier input to the background and race sheets, which includes adding a new details tab to race...
Would be a good way to view effect description plus other properties that aren't immediately visible such as what status effects are associated with an effect.