Shiwei Weng 翁士伟
Shiwei Weng 翁士伟
The `.so` file needs to be added to the library path. On my ubuntu, after running `export LD_LIBRARY_PATH=/path/to/`, it works.
for #1, the project compiles and runs on OCaml 4.12.0. (though it looks not updating now)
Dropping `.` sounds good to me.
As a comparison, `utop` which is based on `lambda_term` doesn't have this problem, .e.g ```ocaml utop # print_endline "\n42\n";; 42 - : unit = () ``` To make utop err...
I see! I am attempting several OCaml profiling tools recently. `perf` looks good to me. Thanks for sharing the link.
Sorry for disturbing but I have a related question, does acmart(or sigplan) have a suggested package for inference rules? I also use `mathpartir`.
Not yet. I forgot there are dot files inside these two folders. I can add a stanza in `tests/dune` to ensure all the dot files can parse successfully. My PR...
> A quick question: have you checked that any .dot files in the repo (notably in `editor/tests/` and `dgraph/examples/`) is still parsed successfully, in a backward compatible way? It seems...