That would be great! Thanks.
Hi Luanpablo100! Really sorry for not responding before. Here's my config file: resolve_dns: true interval: 86400 log: "/home/oxidized/.config/oxidized/logs/log" use_syslog: false debug: true threads: 30 use_max_threads: false timeout: 20 retries: 2...
One small correction: group: 3 ssh_kex: 4 ssh_host_key: 5 ssh_hmac: 6 ssh_encryption: 7
Hi everyone. After some more tests I can see the following message in the router: (sshd_authenticate) Requested public-key algorithm rsa-sha2-256 not supported If I add: "PubkeyAcceptedAlgorithms +ssh-rsa", to my .ssh/config...