Hello. Thanks for your interest. The CLIP model cannot be used to generate captions directly. We have plans to add a finetuned prefix GPT or similar model at some point...
Hi. You can find links to wandb runs on modelcards. Here is the one with best performance [modelcard]( : [logs]( Here is a small [report highlighting impact of augmentations on...
@iejMac and I are going to give this a shot. Our current understanding of what needs to be done for a start can be summarized as follows: Create a version...
Update on current state of things: we have training working with pre-trained HF model, so basic building blocks should be in place. We branched out current work [here]( This branch...
Hi, may I ask a couple of questions: 1. Is there some estimated time of merging for this PR? 2. Are there any experiments/examples of training using this implementation Fastspeech2?...
Hello You can find training details in [readme]( The training script used to fine-tune presented models is []( Exact training command used to get our best performing model can be...