Alexandre Rafalovitch
Alexandre Rafalovitch
# Description buildSite task was generating some scary warnings on first build as it was getting various gems as well as a warning on each build. It was version locked...
#Description New URP with tests. Everything is based on AddSchemaFieldsUpdateProcessorFactory but is sufficiently different to be a separate entry for backward compatibility. # Solution This solves the problem with original...
It would be super-amazing to have a Lunr.js run with statically generated websites. I can imagine it running effectively in two modes: 1) Server-side mode during static site generation -...
Introduced in Solr 4.0 and is used in [the example schema]( since. Exception caused: ``` Traceback (most recent call last): File "/Users/arafalov/Projects/solr-client-book/code/PythonClients/sunburntClient/", line 5, in solr_interface = sunburnt.SolrInterface("http://localhost:8983/solr/") File "/Library/Frameworks/Python.framework/Versions/2.7/lib/python2.7/site-packages/sunburnt/",...
When installing the module in PyCharm, the project URL is missing in the description. 
The documentation does not actually seem to say when it should be true/false, but on my sample document it seems to be always true: > (Style: null, ContentModel: simple, Context:...
It seems that the indexer follows and indexes History/Diff pages on the WIKI. That's bad both for the index and probably for the Wiki performance itself. Sample queue:!!tag%3Dprj%7Dproject_label%27,tag:prj,transformer:localParams,values:(%270%27:%27Apache%20Tika%27)),%271%27:(key:%27%7B!!tag%3Dds%7Ddatasource_label%27,tag:ds,transformer:localParams,values:(%270%27:%27Tika%20Wiki%27))),q:%27parse%20context%27,rows:10,start:0,uuid:%2796b3372a-0cf8-4be1-9ec3-46b3c32d7e55%27,wt:json) What...