
Results 3 issues of apxl

Hi, @lmbxmu ,请问我应该先运行哪个文件呢?rank_generation.py需要用到pre-trained的权重(通过main.py训练得到),但是main.py又需要rank_conv*.npy(通过rank_generation得到)?

Hi, thanks for your work. I encountered a problem that, 2020-09-06 16:43:02.192510: E tensorflow/stream_executor/cuda/cuda_blas.cc:652] failed to run cuBLAS routine cublasGemmBatchedEx: CUBLAS_STATUS_NOT_SUPPORTED Is it a problem about cuda version? My environment...

Thanks for your excellent work. But a little question here. The default anchor sizes are clustered on Coco dataset according to the paper. Do they also work well for the...