Art Steinmetz

Results 11 issues of Art Steinmetz

Rblpapi, written by Dirk Eddelbuettel,, interfaces to the Bloomberg terminal. This is, of course, a not-free data source and so is not going to be used by as many...


In the performance analytics package, "Rf" is a variable that can be passed as a single value which tq_performance accepts, or a vector, which tq_performance does not. ``` set.seed(12345) RaRf


You may think this is overly complicating matters. If so, please disregard. I do like to retrieve a full set of asset returns including mutual funds, their benchmarks and the...


In your vignette, "Performance Analysis with tidyquant" you choose to make a table, "RaRb," to compare an asset to its benchmark. This is wide data. I would argue that the...

With labeling columns I understand that both uses of `cols_label()` below are valid but isn't the second, also requiring a named list, superfluous? ```r gt() %>% cols_label(my_label = "My Label",...

Difficulty: [3] Advanced
Effort: [3] High
Priority: [2] Medium
Type: ★ Enhancement

In this case, using `rvest::html_node()` I get Error in View : `cannot coerce class xml_node to a data.frame` This is a weakness of `View` and is an 'polite' failure as...

So I got this error when running R xgbboost::xgboost() `Error in || !is.character(output) : 'length = 3' in coercion to 'logical(1)'` While it says "error" it is actually a...

When getting a raster interactively the download progress refreshes the same line in the console with each update. BUT, when rendering a Quarto doc (RMarkdown too?), each update is written...

The code below produces a render with the overlay ignored. The plot_3d() window looks fine. The render is correct if curve type="cubic" OR the number of frames is "small." I...


Boy, `download_RStudio_CRAN_data()` can sure create a big request! Rather than choose a range of consecutive dates I wanted to sample a few days from a wider range. For instance, 5...