Arthur Prather, Jr
Arthur Prather, Jr
I'd very much like to know your reversed-engineered method.
[react-syntax-highlighter]( could be a lot simpler and probably would work. Wrapping `SyntaxHighlighter`.... ``` import SyntaxHighlighter from 'react-syntax-highlighter/prism'; import { atomDark } from 'react-syntax-highlighter/styles/prism'; ... ``` made a little changes in...
I'm having same issues, the error shows >error Your plugins must export known APIs from their gatsby-browser.js. The following exports aren't APIs. Perhaps you made a typo or your plugin...
@dorukde 'gatsby-plugin-layout' was already installed when I encounter issues. It did not resolve my issues when I added path inside gatsby-config.js ``` { resolve: `gatsby-plugin-layout`, options: { component: require.resolve(`${__dirname}/src/components/Layout.js`) }...
> [Link to the post]( Thanks for the article, is there any way you could share repo? Nevermind, I found it.
That probably would be great idea.