@MikeAndrson how to download apk?
> @appt2 can you provide a sample app that reproduces the issue? It looks like you have some custom fonts or configurations. Hello, no custom font is used and it... @dsn5ft see video
> Thanks for the video. Since none of these issues happen when our [Catalog demo app](, it is difficult to know what is going wrong. > > Are you able...
> Zip files contains file names with paths. The real file name is the substring after the last '/'. Your code treats output entry list incorrectly. So how can I...
> When `fileName` ends with `/` - this is a folder. I.e. `zipEntry` is not a zip file but a folder. When `fileName` does not end with '/' and contain...
> > > When `fileName` ends with `/` - this is a folder. I.e. `zipEntry` is not a zip file but a folder. When `fileName` does not end with '/'...
Hello, thank you for your reply. In the next few hours, I will create a new folder in my repository and try again to request a pull
@kaby76 G4Compiler This is my grammar executor I get error from here I don't do it, at least in the log cat of my program
```g4 grammar YamlGrammar; yaml: document+; document: key_value_pairs EOF; key_value_pairs: key_value_pair | key_value_pairs key_value_pair; key_value_pair: key ':' value; key: STRING; value: STRING | NUMBER | BOOLEAN | list | key_value_pairs; list:...