您好 我现在想采用人工对战的数据用于加速收敛,请问这里人工对战的话,训练时候的mcts_probs_batch概率该如何设定呢 ,可否让采取当前action的概率为1 其他为0?
when the object outof the frame, the pragram corrupted sometimes maybe in Tracker.cpp before line 479:(if (ptr.get()->isTargetInsideFrame(this->getFrameWidth(), this->getFrameHeight()) == FALSE)) will we added? if (ptr == nullptr) return SUCCESS;
In my experiment,I notice the value evas is always NaN,and rmse is a value which type is float32, so when execute "evas.tolist(),and rmse.tolist()",the result is : EVA = nan RMSE...