Heejin Lee

Results 16 issues of Heejin Lee

## Tasks - [x] Migrate to yarn - [x] Upgrade node.js version - [ ] Add webpack - [ ] Add TypeScript


Currently, Travis CI creates a release draft named `Draft`, by the way, AppVeyor creates a release draft named `vX.X.X`, it's conflicting for same version release. So I made Travis CI...

History data can be found at `%AppData%\Local\Google\Chrome\User Data\Default\History`. and this is a SQLite database file.

plugin idea
help needed

Plugins that uninstalled by `hpm` isn't being unloaded for now. It must be unloaded immediately.


Sometimes a window is flickering after window open. It should be eliminated or reduced.


Current scoring algorithm can be described as follows: - Matching with full path - Finding matching text from right to left - Early matching is higher than late matching -...
