Johan Appelgren
Johan Appelgren
I don't think any of those options are good and if those are our only options we should opt to leave things as they are.
@awright18 Encoding.GetEncoding is called in the ExcelReaderConfiguration ctor so as long as you RegisterProvider before you first create an ExcelReaderConfiguration instance you're good to go.
My guess would be that either the files are trunkated on the FTP source or not the whole file gets downloaded. Does it happen if you download it to a...
What error do you get?
I cannot reproduce this. Could you provide a sample .csv file and code that reproduces this issue?
What version are you using? Using the latest prerelease this test passes. ```csharp [Test] public void GitIssue666() { MemoryStream ms = new(Encoding.UTF8.GetBytes("\"Brown\",\"John\",\"123 Mockingbird Lane, Apt 3G\", \"Oakland\", \"California\"")); using var...
Excel stores dates as a double, an OADate with some kinks. Then it also stores the format to use when displaying the value. Unfortunately ExcelDataReader is not locale aware and...
It's not just the library, it is really stored as 14 in the Excel file.
You can do what andersnm described and look at the result from GetNumberFormatIndex.
I think recent versions of Excel only ever uses a built-in format 14, at least for western locales, in all other cases it explicitly includes the format string in the...