Johan Appelgren

Results 69 comments of Johan Appelgren

The published nuget package does not contain net45 binaries. ![image]( Possibly because if the nuget package is built on a non-windows machine only the netstandard2.0 target is built. Not sure...

> * Some users still need net462, see [Provide .NET Framework target in the csharp nuget package #3212]( @appel1 is that true? @KvanTTT Yes. At least for now. Hopefully it'll...

> > > if we move, it should be to net472 > > > > > > > > * I don't understand completely if net462 is no longer supported....

Had missed that there already was a pull request for this:

What do you use it for? ResetSheetData afaik doesn't reset the reader to the beginning of the current worksheet. Instead of reflection I think you can do something like this...

How did you determine that? What version of ExcelDataReader? All it does, in the most recent release at least, is reset the incorrectly implemented Depth property and clears the array...

ResetSheetData works the same way in 3.6.0 as it does in head of develop so then I don't see how it could possible do what you describe. Are you perhaps...

The only consistently available information in Excel in addition to the datetime is the format. You can probably figure out the information you want by inspecting the format specification for...

If I remember correctly this is intentional because Excel files do not have this concept and we've tried to keep the core reader implementation as simple as possible. Maybe you...

ExcelDataReader doesn't know of any other fields than column names in Excel like A or BD. So if you need something else perhaps an adapter class in your project would...