Apoorv Nandan
Apoorv Nandan
Playlist URL for Billboard Top Songs 2016 is `https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=HL1UzIK-flA&list=PL55713C70BA91BD6E` We can load playlists using the YouTube API with the function `loadPlaylist` like this `player.loadPlaylist({'list':'PLV74gdMl9L6V3OLsFvRMbf85uys4jOGVy'});` This makes the playlist appear as...
I'll start with some mocks till #153 gets merged. From what I read on plyr's [documentation](https://github.com/selz/plyr), playlists is in the "planned development" section so we will have to display our...
Yeah that makes sense. I would like to help in adding playlist support to Plyr too.
The plyr player looks great. I have my final exams going on so I'll start the work after four days.
Yes, I'm interested! :) Are we making our own playlists using plyr or working on the plyr issue ([Selz/plyr#3](https://github.com/Selz/plyr/issues/3)) first? Because it seemed to me they were working on optimizing...
I'll check it out and see if it works.
Are there some restrictions associated with our Youtube API Key? When I attempt to get the list of playlist items using `GET https://www.googleapis.com/youtube/v3/playlistItems?key=AIzaSyCxVxsC5k46b8I-CLXlF3cZHjpiqP_myVk&part=snippet&id=PLx0sYbCqOb8QTF1DCJVfQrtWknZFzuoAE` I get the following response. ``` {...
@shakeelmohamed I'm so so sorry for the late response. I actually had the playlist URLs working fine about 2 weeks ago but I did not give an update here as...
Oh, I did not know about [www.nitish6174.com/resume-generator](http://www.nitish6174.com/resume-generator). Saving online is even better! Nice work :)
@refraction-ray I apologize for the late reply and thank you for pointing this out. While I understand your reasoning, I think the textbook is not explicitly clear in this particular...