
Results 45 comments of apolinário

Got it, thank you! I believe older (mainly 8.0.5, so it matches the Linux Jax distribution, but 8.1 would work too) support could be cool for machine learning applications together...

I have the same issue. I have this [lp file format](http://lpsolve.sourceforge.net/5.5/lp-format.htm) array: ``` var model = [ "max: x00 + x01 + x10 + x11", "x10 + x11 = 1.00...

Hi @mehdidc, thanks for getting back at this. So [this is a "MSE regularised and Z+quantize VQGAN-CLIP"](https://github.com/EleutherAI/vqgan-clip/blob/90c08197f9be8d025b87c59e478d5d2b134a12bc/VQGAN%2BCLIP_(MSE%20regularized%20z%2Bquantize_method).ipynb) notebook, there's a debate of whether or not this actually improves quality but...

Also more broadly, even without the `enumerate` function, it doesn't work when the for loop is iterating over any `generator` it seems

I'm having the same issue

Very cool @abidlabs! Thanks for the demo. In regards to styling and having iterative outputs - I understand (re being out of scope for the text component) - but on...

I would say that the UI could look exactly the same, maybe with some small visual indication that the field is typeable. Maybe worth on user testing seeing if people...

Another usecase for this is fine adjustments. My model has a 0.1 step on 0 to 100. If is very painful to get to the right place. Getting back to...

Very cool collection of issues! I would still advocate for one more in case it could be possible to make a nice UI/UX for it: typeable fields on the slider:...