Andrew Katsikas
Andrew Katsikas
hi @kdubb - if you are looking to run the same simulator type in parallel, and divvy up your tests to each simulator, check out my python script where i...
@christian-bromann - seems this issue exists in v6. I would like to fix it for an upcoming v6 jasmine framework release. Should I file a new issue or use this?
@christian-bromann ok, can you assign to me?
It seems like this might be desirable behavior. A "fake" test is created if there are `failedExpectations` but no tests have been run - This fake test is useful,...
> I think this is connected to #5220. I think it makes sense to pass in the framework options into the [WDIOReporter]( and have the reporter properly act on whether...
@christian-bromann sorry for the lack of updates - got confused as i dug deeper on this one and got sidetracked. I've unassigned myself for now.
any updates on this?
cool - i will try. my issue was de-parenting and then parenting an animated tile seemed to erase the collider data. hopefully this will fix for me
worked in 2019.4.10f1 - thanks @ChuanXin-Unity
@Grouflon - thoughts?