dockerfile-apache-nifi copied to clipboard
Apache NiFi Dockerfile. This repository is largely deprecated in favor of the community work happening in Apache NiFi. Please see
- Support JVM heapsize tuning - Support cluster configuration - Change to high port to allow non-privileged user to bind the ports
There is a switch in the run script that will disable running in secure mode. While secure is preferred, it is certainly helpful to be able to run without needing...
When using SSL the nifi.remote.input.http.enabled needs to be set to false and needs to be set to true. I also needed to set the nifi.remote.input.socket.port to a valid port....
Have you been able to cluster nifi?
There is a built in switch to disable the need for SSL authorization/authentication. This needs to be included in the README and optionally considered as the default mode.
Hi All, Anyone knows how to bring in authentication with un/pswrd in Apache nifi self hosted instance on K8s. I tried to setup it with configMap having, login-identity-providers.xml,,...