dockerfile-apache-nifi copied to clipboard
Issue with sh scripts effecting 1.1.1
When using SSL the nifi.remote.input.http.enabled needs to be set to false and needs to be set to true. I also needed to set the nifi.remote.input.socket.port to a valid port.
I found the need to also set the variable. I used the same password as the KEYSTORE_PASSWORD within the script since that is how I created my keystore.
Thanks for bringing this to my attention. Definitely have overlooked these as much of the initial scripting was before 1.x.
I forked your repo and made the changes. I can create a pull request to merge them back into your baseline.
Sidenote: I was also curious with the official docker nifi version, that will be coming out, how your image would be impacted? I wasnt sure if it would be based on the official image and then your scripts would add the additional SSL/volume functionality that isnt included by default with the official release?
Hey, @bstucker! Sorry for missing this message, I have poor Github notification hygiene in my inbox. Happy to accept your PR in the interim.
As far as how this image changes, I will likely look to contribute this effort to the official one where appropriate and extend beyond that for things that may not quite fit in the community.