Alexander Pinske
Alexander Pinske
@shark300 Im curious, what exactly do you need this for? We currently support the "implicit TLS" variants, which is the recommended approach as of RFC8314. If you have further use-cases,...
@ceisele-r Thanks for the report. Would you be able to provide a debug log (depends on how you start greenmail: standalone `-Dgreenmail.verbose` or embedded set logger `com.icegreen.greenmail` to level `DEBUG`)....
@ceisele-r Sorry for the late reply. Were you updating to 1.6.5 from 1.6.4 or a version before that, i.e. were you using IMAP IDLE (introduced in 1.6.4) successfully before? It...
master d8d9fa45d26495077831da1a3fb7abdc51576d44 builds on Big Sur, but still fails to run with `hv_vm_create HV_ERROR (unspecified error)`
Might I offer a suggestion: You could make JmsListenerContainerFactoryConfigurer an interface, and discover all beans, like other places of spring-boot do. Then it would be easier to customise.
is there any way to get this in the 2.x-line?
Thank you very much for clarifying! I hadn't consider the implications on thread management. We settled on setting `idleReceivesPerTaskLimit` to 2. With a `receiveTimeout` of 30s that means after 1...
Spring does this before sending. Maybe try that.
Can you try doing the spring-workaround before calling greenmail. Does that help? Maybe we should have the code in greenmail, I'll need to analyse that.
That would probably work. But you should be able to accomplish the same in the meantime by doing the "spring-dance" (saveChanges, setHeader). The subsequent saveChanges during writeTo should not update...