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Apereo Java CAS Client

Results 5 java-cas-client issues
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The class org.jasig.cas.client.session.HashMapBackedSessionMappingStorage contains 2 maps: private final Map MANAGED_SESSIONS = new HashMap(); private final Map ID_TO_SESSION_KEY_MAPPING = new HashMap(); There is a part of CAS client, that listens on...

JAXB has been removed from JDK 11. It would add dependency jaxb-api for JDK 11 and later.


1)adjust single sign out filter and listener 's order. 2)add custom configure for single sign out filter and listener.


Fix concurrency issues in `SingleSignOutFilter#doFilter` method. In the `SingleSignOutFilter#doFilter` method, synchronization is added to prevent concurrent execution and ensure thread safety. Before the repair, if `SingleSignOutFilter#init `is not executed for...