Alexander Perechnev

Results 12 comments of Alexander Perechnev

I just want to say my big 👍 . Such feature would be great.

I'm facing the same issue. Mac OS 10.15.7 IntelliJ Idea 2021.2.1 Ultimate Edition Haskell Stack 2.7.3 ``` java.lang.NullPointerException at intellij.haskell.runconfig.console.HaskellConsoleConfigurationForm.( at intellij.haskell.runconfig.console.HaskellConsoleConfiguration.getConfigurationEditor(HaskellConsoleConfiguration.scala:20) at intellij.haskell.runconfig.console.HaskellConsoleConfiguration.getConfigurationEditor(HaskellConsoleConfiguration.scala:14) at com.intellij.execution.impl.ConfigurationSettingsEditorWrapper.createWrapper( at com.intellij.execution.impl.SingleConfigurationConfigurable.( at com.intellij.execution.impl.SingleConfigurationConfigurable.editSettings(

I also confirm that the problem is fixed in `1.0.0-beta88`. Thank you for your help!

I have the same issue.

If you need to use a navigation bar, you may set an instance of UINavigationController as a top view controller, and then push your view controller to this navigation controller.

@diegogarciar Does the app close the side menu, if you tap on the dark area beside it?

@diegogarciar okay, I'll fix it in a few hours.

@diegogarciar but right now you can come back to `4.1` for a while.

> When I implement this sidebar, it removes the _sidebar_. Do you mean it removes the _navigation bar_?

Actually the **SidebarOverlay** is root view controller, that contains the side menu and top view controller that is currently presented for user. If you need to push top view controller...