Could maven-thrift-plugin use libthrift instead of the thrift executable?
I'm writing unit tests for an application that uses JSoup, and I would like to write the unit tests in terms of local files mirroring a website rather than the...
A screenshot would encourage more users to give `lusty` a try.
Could we get some packages for umongo? - MSI, Chocolatey (Windows) - PKG, Homebrew (Mac) - DEB, PPA, RPM (Linux)
A screenshot would encourage more users to give `lusty-emacs` a try.
grunt-cli could play nicer with other CLI programs, e.g. being piped to `less`, if it automatically used `--no-color` when no TTY is detected.
I like how the Java docs include an example of how to use getopt, it's incredibly helpful in understanding how to apply getopt to my projects. Could we add an...
Could grok get a README describing its purpose, and maybe some example usage snippets?
Could we clean up the project organization a bit by moving the source code into a directory (`src/`)?