Facial_Details_Synthesis icon indicating copy to clipboard operation
Facial_Details_Synthesis copied to clipboard

[ICCV2019 Oral] Photo-Realistic Facial Details Synthesis from Single Image

Results 33 Facial_Details_Synthesis issues
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at first, i do not trust the reuslt in u paper, but when i read your code,i find that your just use bfm17 and a samrt vert fitting alg, i...

when I run python facialDetails.py -i ./samples/details/019615.jpg -o ./results . it return RuntimeError: cuDNN error: CUDNN_STATUS_BAD_PARAM,how should I do?

I followed the steps you show in the Related version. But when I try to follow the Usage part of proxy estimation and input the following words in my computer,...

Hello Anpei, Thanks a lot for the great work, very impressive! I am trying to generate the final detailed mesh from 'result.displacementmap.png' and 'result.obj'. I can see that your network...

Very nice contribution from you! thanks and I find [1] need to swith from LA to L mode in line#35 of proxyPredictor.py img = Image.open(img_path).convert('L') [2] can not run under...

Hi Anpei, Thank you for sharing your great work. and I am interested in the process of reconstructing 3D face. Could you share with me how you produce these amazing...

First of all, thank you very much for sharing the code.I would like to ask some details about the training code.There are also specific details about training data and training...

I'm sorry to distrubing you. There is an error when I running facialDetails.py I wonder if it's related to the version of pytorch which I use is 0.4.0 with cuda91....

Hi Anpei, Thank you so much for releasing the code of your great work! I am currently working on setup the environment of your project and not so sure about...

thank your sharing your wonderful job, and i still got some questions,any help will be great appreciated, when run: `python facialDetails.py -i samples\details\013578.jpg -o samples\out_details` there will a window pop-up...