undo-tree.el copied to clipboard
Visualize Emacs undo information as a graphical tree and navigate to previous states
Since fairly recently, `global-undo-tree-mode` does not automatically start undo-tree in buffers. I don't know why this is, it's variable value is t and I haven't changed anything in my config....
Here is my configuration: ``` elisp (use-package undo-tree :commands undo-tree-visualize :bind ([remap undo] . undo-tree-visualize) :custom ((undo-tree-auto-save-history t) (undo-tree-history-directory-alist '(("." . "~/.emacs.d/undo-tree")))) :config (global-undo-tree-mode)) ``` Several opinions exist about how...
Pretty much the title. If the functionality does not exist I'd love to help implement it :D