When memory is allocated for an AST node, should it call `PCC_MALLOC()`? Or should the user be able to specify a different allocator for AST nodes than packcc uses internally?
I've made some progress. Take a look at the following. Not done with it yet. Tell me what you do and don't like about it so far. https://github.com/apaz-cli/packcc/blob/master/src/ast.h Some design...
>It would be better for users to be freed from estimating the possible maximum size. >I think a simple array based list is better as you think. Make up to...
@arithy I don't like the idea of nodes of fixed arity. There are of course parser-generators that do fixed-arity nodes, but they generally create a unique struct type for every...
There would be as many `pcc_ast_node_???_t` types as rules, yes. And they would each store pointers of each other's types, no unions involved. This approach produces a very fast parser,...
I have since implemented my own parser-generator, and did it a different way. I have no need to keep the issue open.
If you're having memory trouble you should make a swapfile. I only have 8GB of memory, and I'm going back and forth between tasks, so I just wrote a script...
Another platform-independent solution is to just cast to a volatile pointer and prefault every page by looping over the pages and reading a byte from each.
@carmocca Added questions about dynamic shapes and inplace operations.
@ggerganov I'm working on putting together the PR. Almost done. I don't know anything about the order that ggml accesses the weights in. Would you say that it's sequential? If...