
Results 7 comments of apapacy

it depends on the value of the parameter keepAliveInterval and in my opinion controlled by server.

`import { api } from '@loopback/core'; ` same error

So. Im install @loopback/rest (4-alpha-3) And bow have new error message > Cannot start the app. Error: The key http.port was not bound to any value. at FacadeMicroservice.getBinding (/home/andrey/projects/loopback-next-example/services/facade/node_modules/@loopback/context/src/context.ts:153:11) Is...

I need in one thread, for example in a controller, to send a task to a handler and in the same controller to wait for the request execution result. A...

This is a great library. But a bug with the type of ARRAY does not allow it to use with PostgreSQL. Are there any plans to fix this?