Andrei Paleyes

Results 60 comments of Andrei Paleyes

Makes sense! Would it be possible to update the ar5iv version manually though, on request? Similarly to what is already done with deletions?

sensible position, thanks for taking the trouble to explain it

Hi Anthony, Thanks for the questions. I am not a huge expert in MF, so the answers might not be completely satisfactory. Nevertheless, let's try: 1. It seems to be...

Hi there! The linear model in Emukit is implemented as a single GP, refer to this notebook for explanation: . So there are no low and high fidelity models,...

> Could you please explain the link between the stochastic behaviour of the model and the optimization restarts ? Ok, I concur, you explanation for restarts is better than mine!...

Sounds like you just need to define a linear constraint. We support those, here is the [doc link]( Note that when your lower and upper bounds are the same, this...

Oh, by the way, while using constraints please be aware of an annoying bug #291 which might impact your code

Almost nope! The closest we have is in this example:

Good question. Guess I've never really considered moving it to the core lib, but perhaps it is worth reviewing in that light. First glance tells me that API would need...

@esiivola when, in terms of the optimization loop, does it need to be reset? Is this reset done externally? I am absolutely certain we can do it either way.