I've check the logs > sh logs .... but I dont see anything regarding the connexion attempt... maybe I have to check somewhere else on the switch... do you have...
How could I debug the powershell module ? Do you have a debug version?
I can definitely try that route and see if a clue of the problem can be identified on the switch, but...the issue is the same on other switches and as...
Reading through other opened issues I found this one... that could be the same I'm facing Cisco Router frequent New-SSHSession : Session operation has timed out #340
I wondering if I have to use ssh.client that is referenced here... I didn't and it worked so maybe the built in ssh.client library is already in .net framework 4....
I use ISE...I m gonna try to run my script with powershell.exe Thanks for trying to help me .... Do you know how to use ssh.net and install it? I...
Ok I thought posh-ssh is using it....so it is not ? the module seems to work without it... To get back to my issue .... I m not the only...
How could I invetigate on client (module) side.... if the remote ssh host is waiting for anything ? Maybe the issue is due to a bug in this ssh.net library......
can you tell me the exact operation you are doing for this workaround? Do you know the project for this library) page so that I could also join to mention...